Clips to choose from:
- Shaun Of The Dead
- Avatar
- Wanted
- Expendables 2
- Terminator 2
- The matrix
- Kick-Ass
- Inception
For our groups following soundtrack production we will include the following sounds created entirely from scratch to produce a sound clip for Shaun Of The Dead:
Can -push cans towards each other
Footsteps - Megan will walk along a slippery surface
Running- Megan will run along a footpath
Slip - Megan will trip over her leg and push forward
Distant Footsteps - Jacob will walk away from the recorder
Distant Footsteps - Jacob will walk away from the recorder
Radio Playing - Record the music playing in Tesco (permission for out of college access)
Itch Head - Jacob will scratch his head, repeatedly
Door Opening - Open a door
Freezer - Open the freezer door and record the suction shutting
Rustling - Rustle the cans against each other as though your searching for a certain can
Sigh - Record a person sighing dramatically
Door Closing - Shut a door
Wild Track - Record outside noises
Change (Money) - Record movement of money in the pocket and hand
Change (Money) - Record movement of money in the pocket and hand
All the following sounds will be located in and around college or other outside areas depending on the departments we will need to locate
The following props that will be required:
- Recorder
- Can
- Freezer
- Door
- Change (money)
00:00-00:01- Whip/Skipping Rope
00:02- Wind/swish past mic
00:02-00:03 Snap/megan makes biting sound
00:03 - Ikran jumps/swoosh
00:03 - Ikran lands/sfx website
00:04-00:12 - Wind/swish
00:04-00:12 - Ikran making noises
00:13-00:18 - Avatar chanting
00:15-00:18 - Ikran moving
00:19-00:22 - Jake struggling
00:23 - Ikran makes squeaky noise
00:22-00:27 - Avatars talking
00:27 - 00:29 - Jake struggling
00:30 - Ikran makes a bellowing sound
00:31 - Ikran falls to the floor
00:32 - Jake falls to the floor
00:32-00:34 - Jake slides and rocks fall