Tuesday, 8 October 2013



Sound that is recorded for a film and is then later added to the clip.An advantage to using foley is that it can record a sound that the directors can’t capture on set and also ensures that the sounds produced in the studio is exactly what the director requires. In my own productions I would use foley by first filming my piece then recalling it and placing sounds to fit the context. It’s an original content therefore there will be no issue with copyrighting as the sounds are original.

  • Give examples of the sort of equipment and locations used to record foley
  • • Slapping: this sound is created by holding a piece of raw steak with one hand and hit it with the open palm of the orther in its center. To simulate a person being slapped it is common practice to use the same method with slices of steak of different thickness de- pending on the part of the body being hit.
  • • Uncorking a bottle of wine: the simulation of this action is obtained by removing the piston of a big syringe previously filled with air.
  • • Breaking bones: usually, this is recreated by break- ing into two halves a stick of celery in front of a microphone.
  • • Bird wings flapping: achieved by quickly wiggling a pair of leather gloves in front of a microphone.
  • • Kissing: this is done by wetting one’s lips and then kissing the most hair–less part of one’s forearm mak- ing sloppy kissing sounds.
  • • Walking up the stairs: there are lots of tricks 1 to perform this Foley effect. We chose the simplest and easiest method. Sitting on a chair wearing noisy sneakers a ceramics tiles surface must be hit in vari- ous ways and with different intensities.
  • • Walking on summertime grass: walking on or hit- ting with one’s hands a 14 audiotape balled up. This Foley effect is shown in fig. 2.
  • • Closing a sliding door: this is achieved by making a roller skate slide on a piece of wood whose height is about 4 feet.

Diegetic, Non-Diegetic, Mood&Meaning, Juxtaposition

Diegetic Sound
Noise that is created in the room that is visible to the viewers but the noise can be made both on and off screen as long as the sounds fits within the existence of the room. A diegetic sound can be voiced from the characters, the sounds of objects or even instrumental music that is seen to be played by a band or soloist. 

Examples of this would be

  • A character singing on stage to her fellow friends
  • A character playing a boom-box
  • A character turning the pages of a book
  • The wind howling
  • Opening the zip of a bag

That's How You Know - Enchanted: 0:00 - 1:32


In this clip we know that all the sounds are diegetic as the actress is singing within the frame and in the background there is a variety of instruments played by the band.

Noise that is either narrated or a score added to create a dramatic effect. The source is not visible within the existence of the frame and is not implied to be present in the activity. A non-diegetic sound can be created from a narrator which is voiced over the clip or sounds created for dramatic effect, these sounds are sourced from outside the story.

Examples of this would be 

  • The soundtrack to psycho
  • The social network where Jesse is narrating his thoughts whilst creating face mash
  • Forrest Gump narrating his life through the film
  • Zombieland explaining to us his rules through narration
  • Harry Potter's soundtrack
Zombieland rules for surviving

In this clip we know that the majority of these sounds are non- diegetic as Jesse is narration the rules and how to survive whilst on screen the rules are being demonstrated.

Placing of two things that are different therefore having the tendency to draw attention to the qualities of each and comparing the contrasts.

Examples of this would be

  • There is someone being murdered but there is happy music being played
  • God and Satan
  • Romeo and Juliet
  • Light and Dark
  • Someone is suffering from a break-up and another couple are enjoying a meal
Funny Games 

In this clip we know that the family are unaware of the metallic music being played above the clip and the family are acting all happy.

The Relationship
Diegetic works by the characters talking on screen or moving such as; opening a door whereas Non Diegetic is more narration that is off screen but is still heard.

Mood And Meaning
Scary soundtrack matches to a horror film as the low eery sounds help to influence the piece.

  • Diegetic - elaborate further on diegetic by giving an example and a relevant youtube link.
  • Non-Diegetic -again, elaborate further and add an example and a relevant youtube link.
  • Juxtaposition - add a youtube link of what you're discussing about
  • Mood meaning - give an example (youtube) and discuss in further detail

Soundtrack for Animation

Soundtrack Production

Clips to choose from:

  • Akaire
  • Princess Mononoke
  • Tom and Jerry (Tom chasing Jerry)
  • Tom and Jerry (Tom annoying Spike)
  • Wille E. Coyote

For our groups following soundtrack production we will include the following sounds created entirely from scratch to produce a sound clip for wille E. Coyote:

stirring - fill a pot with water and use a spoon
pepper grinder - turn the handle of a pepper grinder
fire - search on the internet (source these from the looney tunes soundtrack)
dripping - turn a tap on full speed then turn it off and record the dripping
steam - boil a kettle 
cultery put down - bang a spoon and knife on the table
scraping the cultery - scrape the cultery across the pepper grinder
pouring - pour water from the kettle into the pot (metal dish)
stiring - stir the spoon and knife around the inside of the pot
tin scraping against the knife - scrape the knife sharply across the tin 
sighing/sped up sound - record a person sighing dramatically
motion sounds of words across the screen - produce a whistle noise using a form of instrument
tumbling - roll a ball across the floor
trumpet - record someone from music playing the trumpet
meep meep - record our own voice to replicate the road runers signature noise
whistle - record a person whistling
racing car - search on the internet (source these from the looney tunes soundtrack)
putting glass bottle down - fill a glass up and bang it loudly on the table below
triangle - find a triangle in college and play it 
Wind - Record a fan

All the following sounds will be located in and around college depending on the departments we will need to locate for certain props such as a triangle (need to be borrowed from the music department).

The following props that will be required:

Pepper Grinder


0:00 - 0:02 - Fire/Steam
0:02 - 0:04 - Stirring a spoon
0:05 - Droplets of water falling from the spoon
0:06 - Place the spoon on the table and pick up the pepper
0:06 - 0:10 - turn the pepper shaker
0:11 - 0:13 Steam rising
0:14 - 0:16 - Add seasoning
0:16 - 0:17 - Steam rises again
0:18 - 0:23 - Stir the spoon and knife in the pot
0:23 - 0:25 - Water droplets fall from the tin
0:26 - 0:29 - Cutting the tin with a fork and knife
0:29 - 0:30 - Push the tin onto the floor
0:30 - 0:37 - Play music to fit the piece
0:37 - 0:40 - Play the sound of a car and the noise 'Meep Meep'
0:40 - 0:43 - Tumble weed